When kids need after-school education, the last thing they want to do is feel like they’re still in class. Maths Words Not Squiggles takes the ‘boring’ out of tutoring and makes it fun and personalised for all levels of primary and secondary education. Lessons aren’t mass-produced, students are treated like individuals and learning is tailored to suit.
aplin creative and Maths Words Not Squiggles worked together to create a fun learning environment that stimulates creativity while encouraging study. Interactive spaces are brought to life using vibrant colours like Golden Marguerite S15H8 and Wicked Green S21H7, while unique wallpaper and graphic navigation instantly engages students. Ply boxes and picnic tables add a casual and relaxed feel to the learning centre – exactly opposite to the typical classroom experience.
Maths Words Not Squiggles learning centres are currently being rolled out across Sydney. Visit www.mwns.com.au to find out more.